While we are on the topic of registration, I thought it would be cool to mention a few classes that BYU has to offer, that a lot of people don’t even know about. Below is a list of some of the “hidden gems” of classes offered at BYU.

Art for Elementary Teachers, ARTED 326
Basic Organ Skills, MUSIC 115
Beginning Ballet, DANCE 190
Beginning Scuba Diving, SWELL 175
Descriptive Astronomy, PHSCS 127
Teaching Drama in the Elementary Classroom, TMA 375
First-Year Arabic, ARAB 101
Floral Design, PWS 112
Food Preparation in the Home, SFL 110
Introduction to Ceramics for Non-Majors, ART 105
Sailing (or other recreation courses), EXDM 223R
Self-Defense, SWELL 155
Although this is just a short list, there are dozens and dozens of other interesting classes that BYU offers. There are classes that focus on weight training, volleyball, ice skating, and other sports. Other classes focus on arts, from ceramics and drawing to guitar and piano. Dance classes such as folk dance and ballroom are other popular choices. There are classes on mountain biking, canyoneering, and camping, classes on etiquette, cooking, and interior design. There are dozens of different languages offered, including Japanese, Persian, Italian, German, Spanish, and Romanian, just to list a few. There are also all sorts of interesting classes that fulfill GEs: Art history, Greek and Roman Mythology, Astronomy, Chemistry, Calculus, Archaeology, German and Scandinavian Cinema, Microbiology, and so many more. BYU offers so many opportunities and has a class for everyone. Take something that you're interested in!
For more information, check out the class catalog: https://catalog.byu.edu/

Have other classes you have LOVED taking??? Comment the class below!