You're invited...to join us at New Student Orientation! New Student Orientation is just around the corner, and your university experience is about to begin. Although we are not in charge of the entire schedule of the program, there is an allotted amount of time when everyone gets to break away and go explore the major they are interested in. We hope to see you all at the McKay School of Education. Along with some important information about the majors, we have fun activities planned for New Student Orientation! We plan on giving out food and swag for anyone who is interested in learning more!
While prizes and food are great motivators, new student orientation is actually an amazing way to get to know the college better and make sure that this is the major for you. There will be professors, academic advisors, and students who are currently in the program to answer any questions you may have. New Student Orientation is going to be a great experience, and in that regard, the breakout session at the McKay School of Education is no different!
Well, we'll leave you to finish packing everything, but we are excited to see you all in a few days!