We are so glad to be back in person for Fall New Student Orientation (NSO) from August 26th-August 28th! We have worked diligently over here in the McKay School of Education (MSE) to make your first experience at BYU as a student great!
General Information:
For general NSO information, go to their website HERE.
Thursday, August 26th:
Traditional Y photo and program at the Lavell Edwards Stadium
Friday, August 27th, 3:00-5:00 PM:
Come to the David O. McKay School of Education Building

Social Media:
We want to see you with us on social media as well! Go to our Instagram @byumckayschool and play around with some of our filters! While you're there, check out some of the Teacher Tips and other posts we've made this summer!

We are excited to see you and welcome you to BYU and the MSE! Go Cougs!
Any questions? Contact us here!