For this section of the career path series, we had the opportunity to talk with and learn from Lynne Kganetso. Dr. Kganetso has studied, served, and worked in numerous positions and careers since receiving her bachelor's degree from Brigham Young University. Her career path is a perfect example of the limitless opportunities within education. We are so blessed to have Lynne Kganetso as an ECE professor here at BYU!
Check out Dr. Lynne Kganetso's career path below.

With all of this experience, Dr. Kganetso has some great advice to give to those pursuing a career in education.
"Everyone’s path to teaching is different. Heavenly Father provides us with experiences that help us to grow, develop skills, and have experiences to become the teacher He needs us to be—to help guide, teach, and learn from the students we get the opportunity to work with. My experiences have taken me to parts of the world I knew nothing about, and I have learned so much. Bring what you are, what you know, and your experiences to teaching. The field needs it!

"Also, I feel that teaching enhances all aspects of my life. I am a better mother, partner, family member, friend, member of my ward, professor, student of the gospel, and all-round person because of my experiences and interactions with teaching and teachers."
Want to learn more about possibilities in education? Read our other posts and check out the other graphics in the career path in education series! Any questions? Reach out to us HERE.