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ELED Practicum Recap: Stefania Amado

Writer's picture: Student AmbassadorsStudent Ambassadors

Updated: May 1, 2023

As the semester comes to an end, elementary education student ambassador Stefania Amado shares a recap of her practicum experiences. Stefania is finishing up her first practicum teaching in the 2nd grade at Westridge Elementary in the Provo district. Here's a little bit about her experience!

Teaching math was not so scary!

"I have absolutely LOVED my practicum experience teaching 2nd grade at Westridge Elementary School! Practicum has been such a learning opportunity and has made me so excited about finishing up the program and teaching on my own! Before starting practicum, I was a little afraid because I had no idea what to expect. However, I now know I had nothing to worry about and it really is so much fun. Practicum has taught me how much you learn in your classes leading up to practicum and how you are a greater future teacher than you might have thought to be. "

One of the students drew smiley faces on our hands

"Practicum has increased my confidence in what I already knew while providing more opportunities to grow in old knowledge and new knowledge. Every day I went to practicum is a day I knew I was going to have a good day and stay smiling. My 2nd graders are truly so sweet, intelligent, funny, and have really contributed to my process of becoming the best teacher I can be. I loved working with my mentor teacher, CFA, practicum partner, and facilitator. Some tips and advice I would give for those who are about to start their first practicum or those who are wondering how practicum is like:

  • Be yourself and love who you are! The kids will love your authenticity!

  • Collaborate with your mentor teacher and try your best to build a genuine relationship with them.

2nd graders are so sweet and always remind you how much they love you!
  • Get to know the other teachers in your grade during lunch and recess. The other teachers in 2nd grade are amazing and genuinely fun to interact with and learn from.

  • Don't be afraid to step up! YOU GOT THIS! Take on a task from your first day and keep taking on tasks!

  • Every experience is a learning opportunity.

My 2nd graders were quick to notice how tall I am!

  • Recognize your room to grow and learn but give yourself some love for the things you do so great.

  • Have fun and show those students that you love them!"

If you have any questions or concerns about practicum, schedule an appointment with a student ambassador here!

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