My name is Bethany Gold and I am interning as a 4th grade teacher in the Provo School District. I'm studying Elementary Education with a minor in Theater Arts Studies. I'm originally from Oregon and some of my favorite things are: thrifting, Swig, sewing, traveling, and reading.
Why I decided to do an Internship
I never really planned on doing an internship because it felt so daunting! My practicum changed all of that though. I became more confident in myself and just felt so much love from and for the students.
After years of studying, I finally knew that I was in the right place in choosing teaching as my career. My mentor teachers were both super empowering and believed that I could do an internship if I worked hard to prepare myself. I prayed a lot about it and just felt prompted to move forward with an internship. I especially LOVE the older grades so I put that as my preference during my internship interview and I got the job!

Favorite Part about Interning
My favorite part of my internship is honestly the kids. They are sweet and they are funny and they’re so smart. They love to do the right thing and they love to help and they’re almost always happy.
Their sweet notes and pictures cover my walls and I have never felt so loved in my entire life. I love getting to be such a big part of these kids’ lives! I also adore teaching around the holidays. There’s just so much joy in Christmas crafts and Halloween parties and everything in between. It really makes you step back and just notice the little, but important things.

Big Takeaways and Lessons Learned
Something that has most surprised me is how much of a learning curve it is. Nothing really prepares you for getting thrown into teaching!
All of a sudden, you’re dealing with 10 kids calling your name at the same time, trying to teach 9 year olds long division, and contacting parents because their child threw their lunch at someone else. It’s just the silly little things that you have to figure out all at once and it’s HARD! I'm grateful that I have so much support from BYU, my school, and my co-teachers, so I’m not completely alone.
Another hard thing is just always thinking about my kids. Some version of these questions are always running through my mind: Do they like me as a teacher? Did I teach that as well as I could have? Did the way I say that hurt their feelings? Do they feel safe in my classroom?
The comparison game is SO real! It’s hard not to compare myself to other more experienced teachers; however, remembering that I’m also just learning right now helps me feel better.

Advice for Those Considering an Internship
For anyone thinking about an internship, I’d 100% recommend it, if you’re ready to be committed. That means coming in for hours on end during the summer to get your classroom set up and staying late to grade papers. You must be invested enough to help students from all walks of life. Internships are hard, but (oh my goodness) it is the most fulfilling and worthwhile thing I’ve ever done in my life!

Plans for After Interning
After my internship I have no idea what I’m going to do haha! I could see myself staying on in my school district (I LOVE Provo school district!) and hopefully my school! I could also see myself traveling to another state (like the East Coast haha) if I’m up for more of an adventure. Only time will tell!
To learn more about student teaching or interning, schedule to meet with a student ambassador here.