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For the Benefit of the World: Part Three

Writer: Student AmbassadorsStudent Ambassadors

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

We're back with another post in our "For the Benefit of the World" series! Part one and part two are available to read as well. Click here to view the interactive map where over 200 people have added their story to the map. Check out a few more stories below of students, faculty, and alumni who contributed their own stories about what they did to benefit the world:

Jeannette Coleman, Student Project

Jeannette had the opportunity to go to Apia, Samoa to benefit the world. She said, "I went on a Humanitarian Experience for Youth trip to help build an elementary school classroom. It was special to meet the kids and see they were learning just like me. Education comes one mind at a time, no matter a child’s race, gender, nationality, age, or culture! One child can also impact thousands of others in the future!"

Ellen Tidwell, Alumni Project

Image by Zachtleven fotografie from Pixabay

Ellen has impacted the lives of many people across the world! She has made an impact in Indonesia, Idaho, and California. When describing her project, she said, "My family and I are helping refugees resettle in the U.S. and Canada. We have started a 501c3 nonprofit with the mission of involving our teenagers in philanthropy and humanitarian work. After a recent trip to Indonesia, we are working to help a Latter-day Saint Afghan refugee stuck in Indonesia resettle in Canada (still in process). Last year we helped a family from South Sudan get settled into their new life in Idaho. Over the past several years we have supported refugees in Indonesia in various ways ranging from building friendships via WhatsApp to sending funds for a holiday toy drive."

Cade Charlton, Faculty Project

Professor Charlton teaches classes in the McKay School within the CPSE department. When describing his project based in St. George, Utah he said, "CEEDAR collaboration with Utah Tech and Southern Utah Universities. Drs. Kari Gali, Brianne Kramer, and myself along with other collaborators from universities in Utah have been working to improve the quality of mentoring provided by cooperating teachers during clinical experiences. Our alumni and students have received training on High Leverage Practices and other strategies to improve their coordination and engagement in the mentoring process. Every student teacher should have access to a caring, qualified, and engaged mentor to benefit them and all their students."

How have you made an impact "for the benefit of the world?" If you would like to learn more about how you can make an impact as a teacher, click here to schedule a meeting with a student ambassador!


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