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Get Ahead in Physical Education Teaching/Coaching

Writer: Student AmbassadorsStudent Ambassadors

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

A few weeks ago we talked about what prerequisites are required for the Physical Education: Teaching/Coaching major here at BYU! Those are the courses required for admittance to the PETE program. However, there are a few more classes you can take that are required for graduation, but you can take before being accepted in the program! Check out some of these interesting classes you can take now!

PETE 430- Principles of Coaching

As a PETE major, you get to have

hands-on coaching experience! This 2.0 credit hour course will help you develop your philosophy of coaching while also learning about the responsibilities of being a coach and preparing athletes.

PETE 330R- Coaching Selected Sports

After learning the appropriate skills required for your sport of choice, you can jump right into learning how to coach the sport. This 2.0 credit hour course (with lab) helps you learn the theories, fundamentals, strategies, and techniques for coaching sports that are sanctioned by the Utah High School Athletic Association.

PETE 364- Scientific Bases of Sport: Motor Learning

There is much more that goes into sports than simply learning skills. This 2.0 credit hour course will prepare you with the knowledge of motors that go into each athletic skill in physical education and coaching.

SWELL 191- Weight Training, Beginning AND one of the following SWELL course: Pilates (107), Zumba (108), Yoga (109), Indoor Cycling (110), Martial Arts (141), Self-Defense (155)

Students in the PETE major have shared that one of the most fun things they get to do is learn all sorts of sports! It is required to take weight training and at least one other SWELL course for gradation in the program. You can start today with being active yourself in one of the courses listed above.

If you have any further questions about what courses you should take as you prepare to apply to the PETE major, contact the advisor, Brandan Beerli... or, you can also meet with an ambassador to hear more about the student perspective!



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