Say hello to the McKay School of Education Academic Advisors!

From left to right:
Brandan Beerli is the advisor for PETE, Student Athletes, and ElEd last names A - C
JaNeece Thacker is the advisor for SpEd (Mild/Moderate and Severe) and ElEd last names D - L
Nichole Chaffee is the advisor for ECE and ElEd last names M - Z
Tara Goulding is the advisor for ComD and Secondary Education
Your advisors are here to help you with all of your academic questions! They can help you plan your courses for future semesters, declare your major/minor, apply to the program, and answer any questions you may have! You can always call (801) 422-3426, go to 350 MCKB during office hours (9am-5pm), or email schedule an appointment.
To learn more about the McKay School or to get a student perspective on teaching, set up an appointment to meet with a Student Ambassador here.