BYU offers many ways to serve in the community, especially in classrooms. Serving is a great way to get experience by working with kids in many different settings whether you are curious about becoming a teacher or want more experience. There are opportunities for everyone to serve in a way that they enjoy.

One of my favorite programs that I have served with before is TOPS (Tutor Outreach in Provo Schools). TOPS has a list of different schools and classrooms that need volunteers for a variety of other subjects at different times. There are opportunities to serve in kindergarten classrooms and Middle School classrooms. You can even pick a topic for example math, reading, or robotics.
BYU also offers a variety of other ways to serve whether you are interested in Elementary Education (ELED), Early Childhood Education (ECE), Physical Education Teaching/ Coaching (PETE), Special Education (SPED), or just working with children. Make sure to explore all of the great options offered at BYU Y-Serve.
Leaders of Literacy (ELED)
Junior Achievement (ELED)
Cougar Coaches (PETE)
Adaptive Aquatics and Gym Kids (PETE, SPED)
Adapted Needs Institute (SPED)
Best Buddies (SPED)