One of the best parts about studying education at BYU is the ability to talk about students' divine potential. It is always so impactful for me to remember that we are truly teaching God's children. I asked some of our student ambassadors how knowing that they are teaching God's changes things for them. Here is what they said:

Bethany Gold: Elementary Education Major
"Remembering that each student is a child of God helps me to be able to see their divine potential. Our students can grow so much throughout the year if we give them opportunities to do so. Remembering just how much our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love my students helps me become better at feeling the same love."
Megan Brinton: Elementary Education Major
"At last year's Educator's Society conference, my aunt, Barbara Morgan Gardner spoke. In her talk, she told a story from when she taught seminary. As a teacher, she had the distinct impression one day that she really was teaching sons and daughters of God. That's a huge responsibility! Knowing this, and knowing how much love my Heavenly Father has for all of his children makes me want to be more patient and a better teacher overall for my students. These children have so much potential, and it is our responsibility as educators to love them and teach them to the best of our ability because they really are children of God with a divine purpose."
Annie Wright: Early Childhood Education Major
"Since I can remember, I have wanted to be a teacher, but I never really knew why! As I have studied here at BYU, I have gained a deeper understanding of my purpose as an educator and really how important my role is. My desire to be a teacher has grown much deeper because I have come to realize the role I play in helping God's children reach their full potential. As I have learned to look at students with their divine potential in mind, I have become more patient, caring, and supportive. Knowing and understanding that I am teaching God's children makes education mean so much more to me than it did before."
Ashley Roberts: Special Education Major
"One of the main reasons I chose to be a special educator is to help Heavenly Father's children reach their full potential. Students with special needs have such a sweet spirit. I love feeling the pure joy these students have. Knowing I'm teaching Heavenly Father's children helps me keep an eternal perspective in the progress they can make and the goals they can achieve."
Kamora Shelton: Physical Education Major
"As a future physical education teacher, recognizing that I am teaching God's children adds a sense of purpose to my job. It shapes my approach to teaching in a way that goes beyond the physical activities. I want to teach not just physical fitness but also values of respect, teamwork, and kindness. Understanding that each child is a unique creation full of potential and purpose influences the way I encourage their growth, both physically and morally. This awareness shapes my perspective, reminding me that every interaction is an opportunity to inspire and positively influence the lives of God's children."
Want to learn more about the McKay School? Click here to schedule a meeting with one of our ambassadors ready to answer any questions!