Rachel O'Malley
McKay Student Ambassador
Elementary Education
When you ask a teacher why they do what they do, you’ll probably hear about the rewarding and fulfilling moments. They will paint a picture in your mind of the lightbulb moments, when a student finally understands a challenging concept, or the meaningful relationships built over time, and even the little victories that make all the hard work worth it. However, teaching is not only about those satisfying moments. It is also about the hard days, when everything is going wrong, when students are unmotivated, when the workload seems overwhelming, and when you wonder if you’re making any real difference at all.

As a future teacher, I’ve observed classrooms, learned from experienced educators, and reflected on what it truly means to teach. Here’s the honest truth—the beauty, the challenges, and why, despite everything, it’s still worth it.
The Highs: Why Teaching Feels Like a Calling
Even as a student, I’ve experienced the magic of teaching. I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach an art lesson each week at Lakeview Elementary as part of ARTED 326. A quiet girl in my group rarely spoke, but when I asked about her artwork, her face lit up as she proudly shared her thoughts. Her classmates noticed and praised her work, and she beamed with confidence and gave me the biggest smile. That simple moment reminded me why I love teaching because nothing is better than helping people feel seen and valued.
There’s also something special about seeing a student finally grasp a concept. During my high school internship, I taught a lesson on contractions. After describing how to create them, I had students practice matching words together to form contractions. One student who usually struggled with grammar turned to me and said, “Wow, I’ve never understood this before, but now I think I’m getting it!” His excitement as he matched word after word correctly filled me with a deep sense of purpose. Watching students build confidence and a love for learning is what makes teaching so fulfilling.

The Lows: The Reality No One Talks About

Teaching is exhausting. The pressure to meet curriculum standards, manage different learning needs, and handle classroom behavior and management can feel overwhelming. Some days, you’ll spend hours planning a lesson only to have it go sideways after the first few minutes. There will be students who push your patience to the limit and moments when self-doubt creeps in. Outside of the classroom there sometimes seems like a never ending to-do list of paperwork, and meetings.
Teaching lessons in PETE 212 was a humbling experience. My worst mistake was thinking that giving students scooters and jump rope to pull each other across the room would be an easy lesson. After attempting to teach the rules of the game “Lifeboats”, I watched in horror as kids launched each other across the gym, and crashed into the walls. The class quickly spiraled out of control and I began to lose my patience. I was so overwhelmed that I cried afterward, convinced I’d never be able to manage a classroom. My mom, a teacher herself, reminded me that struggling is part of the journey and that growth comes with time and effort.
Why Being a Teacher is Still Worth It

Despite the challenges, teaching is a profession built on purpose. It’s about showing up and advocating for students. It’s about understanding the gradual impact you have and how you leave an impact on your students' lives. And at the end of the day, the highs—the connections, the growth, and the moments of joy—outweigh the lows. That is why teaching is a beautiful and complex profession.
The next time I taught a PE lesson, I came prepared with a more detailed plan and clear instructions. The students were engaged, laughing, and learning. At the end of the lesson, they ran up to give me hugs, excited to see me again. I learned a valuable lesson of not giving up and having faith in myself. Being a teacher is about perseverance, staying confident and embracing the journey.
Teaching can not be simply defined because what makes it so complex also makes it beautiful. It’s about shaping lives, inspiring growth, and making a lasting impact. And for those of us who choose this path, that is why we keep going.
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