Experiential learning is a learning approach that emphasizes hands-on, practical experiences as a primary means of acquiring knowledge and skills. It actively involves students in the research process by allowing them to gain practical experience by designing, conducting, and analyzing research projects.
The McKay School offers many different research projects that YOU can participate in. Each year the McKay School hosts the Research and Experimental Learning Expo where we learned a little about 51 different research projects in the McKay School. Here is a recap of a few of them:

Eric Ruiz Bybee, Mapping The Concept of Equity in Latter-Day Scripture:
The idea of equity appears frequently in Latter-day Saint scripture and theology. For example, Alma 9:26 describes the savior as "full of grace, equity, and truth."
However, even though the concept appears throughout scripture, the gospel dimensions of equity term are not well-known or understood. This is especially problematic because of how the term has become politicized over the last several years in public education.
This project seeks to map the dimensions of this term, primarily in the standard works, and to possibly make connections to the teaching of latter-day prophets and other church leaders the goal is to better understand this term and to provide support for explicitly using it as a guiding principle for Latter-day Saints involved in public K-12, higher education, and Church institutions (including BYU).
Email EricBybee@byu.edu to learn more!

Playful and Engaging Literacy
Students working on the SEEL project will get experience creating and editing fun and engaging early literacy lessons. We need lessons in English and Spanish.
Some of the following qualifications would be helpful, but you will also learn a lot on the job!
- Enjoy teaching/working with children
- Experience writing lesson plans
- creativity and knowledge of early literacy
- Skills uploading text/graphics on a website
- Great organizational and time management skills
Email Kendra_Hall@byu.edu and LeeAnnSetzer@me.com to learn more!

Repeated Student SWELL Class Participation
This project will be investigating why BYU students take repeated SWELL classes, for example, taking a basketball class and a yoga class or taking repeated volleyball classes.
SWELL students will be surveyed. Students will be attending SWELL classes and administering surveys to the students, then collecting the completed surveys.
Students will analyze qualitative data and discover patterns for students taking repeated SWELL classes. Students will also be involved in the writing of a manuscript that will eventually be submitted for publication.
For more information email David_Barney@byu.edu

Understanding Trauma-Informed Practices in Utah Schools
This projects involves using mixed methods to assess how school personnel train in and utilize trauma-informed practices.
Studies currently under this project will focus on interviewing teachers about their experiences with trauma training and surveying school administrators about their attitudes and practices related to trauma.
We are also exploring the role of peer mentorship as a support for refugee students affected by trauma as they adjust to Utah public schools.
Students will have opportunities to review relevant research literature, assist with data collection, and gain experiences with analyzing qualitative and/or quantitative data.
Email Rebecca_Winters@byu.edu to learn more!