Our Elementary Education majors just finished their first two weeks of practicum and are back on campus ready to learn from their professors! After debriefing about what they observed in the classroom, they are ready to add more to their "teacher toolbox". Here's what a couple of our students in the McKay School have learned this week:
Bethany: "Coming off of two weeks in my 5th grade practicum classroom, I've been reflecting a lot on what I've learned from my mentor teacher and students. My mentor teacher, in a word, was amazing. I learned so much from her about what it means to create a classroom community and foster an environment of belonging. From my students I've learned what it means to be an engaged learner and to care for others. As I look forward to my second block of practicum and later on to my Internship in the Fall, I am excited to put all of these new skills to use."
Megan: "It was hard to come back to campus after being in practicum, but it has been helpful to get some professional insight into the experiences I had working in a kindergarten classroom the past two weeks. This week I continued to learn about social studies, planning and assessment, literacy, and developmentally appropriate practices. As one of our assignments for social studies, we were supposed to observe and take notes about any social studies content taught implicitly/explicitly in our practicum class. It amazed me how different every single person's experience was when sharing in class afterwards. Every teacher is so different in how they approach teaching and learning in their classroom and it has been interesting to compare and contrast to decide what I want to implement into my own classroom."
Want to learn more about elementary education or any of our other majors? Click here to schedule a meeting with one of our student ambassadors.